Do something extraordinary

Be part of India’s amazing story of church growth by supporting Christians under attack


An extraordinary story is unfolding across India.

A story of amazing miracles, defiant faith and an unstoppable church. 

But this thriving church is under attack. Hindu extremists are targeting Christians for intense persecution.

Pastor Laxman* is one of them. When his wife was miraculously healed by prayer, Laxman started a church. It grew and grew – until Hindu extremists set Laxman up on false charges. (Read Laxman’s full story.)
He was beaten, arrested and imprisoned. His church scattered, and his income disappeared.

Your support today can help persecuted Christians survive – and help India’s church to thrive.

*We’ve changed his name to protect his identity

Be a vital part of India’s extraordinary story by sending a gift today.

Every HK$280 can provide emergency food to 2 Indian believers affected by extreme persecution.
Every HK$390 can train 20 believers and equip them with a biblical response to persecution.
Every HK$640 can help a persecuted community establish a livelihood and give financial security.

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*Any excess funds from this appeal will be used to strengthen other persecuted Christians where urgent help is needed.
 “This is God’s work. No one can close it or shut it down.” - Pastor Laxman

"I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it."